Frequently Asked Questions

At CQR Dentures, we are asked questions about our innovative dentures on a daily basis, so we have collated the most frequently asked and answered them all for you.:

How long will my CQR Dentures last?

CQR Dentures last for many years ,however like normal dentures they will need to be replaced eventually.

Are CQR Dentures available through the Health Care System?

No, CQR Dentures are not available through the Health Care System, however they are affordable and finance can be arranged if required.

Will I need dental implants with CQR Dentures?

The benefits of CQR Dentures can normally be achieved without the use of dental implants.

How do I clean CQR Dentures?

CQR Dentures are cleaned in the same way as normal dentures.

Will I need to use a denture fixative with CQR Dentures?

CQR Dentures are very stable and will usually remain in place without the need for denture fixative.